# unicorn-binance-local-depth-cache Change Log All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](http://keepachangelog.com/) and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/). [Discussions about unicorn-binance-local-depth-cache releases!](https://github.com/LUCIT-Systems-and-Development/unicorn-binance-local-depth-cache/discussions/categories/releases) [How to upgrade to the latest version!](https://unicorn-binance-local-depth-cache.docs.lucit.tech/readme.html#installation-and-upgrade) ## 2.0.0.dev (development stage/unreleased/unstable) ## 2.0.0 Scaling. The core functions have been rewritten in this update. Instead of one stream per depth_cache, we now use one stream up to the max subscription limit of the endpoint and use the new UBWA interface `get_stream_data_from_asyncio_queue()`. And we avoid bans by complying with Binance weight costs on init. ### Added - Since UBLDC is delivered as a compiled C extension, IDEs such as Pycharm and Visual Code cannot use information about available methods, parameters and their types for autocomplete and other intellisense functions. As a solution, from now on stub files (PYI) will be created in the build process and attached to the packages. The IDEs can automatically obtain the required information from these. ### Changed - The parameter `ubwa_manager` was removed from `BinanceLocalDepthCacheManager()`, because UBLDC has to claim the callback function of the `stream_signals` for itself and has to initialize the instance itself. It is possible to request the active `BinanceWebSocketApiManager()` instance with the new method `ubldc.get_ubwa_manager()`. `ubwa.create_stream()` can be used normally, only the `stream_signals` are only accessible for UBLDC. - Updated description text in all files. ### Fixed - Ip ban when using `create_depth_cache` with many symbols [issue#30](https://github.com/LUCIT-Systems-and-Development/unicorn-binance-local-depth-cache/issues/30) - Import in `licensing_manager.py`. - Type of global `logger` variable. ## 1.0.0 ### Added - Support for Python 3.11 and 3.12 - Integration of the `lucit-licensing-python` library for verifying the UNICORN Binance Suite license. A license can be purchased in the LUCIT Online Shop: https://shop.lucit.services/software/unicorn-binance-suite - License change from MIT to LSOSL - LUCIT Synergetic Open Source License: https://github.com/LUCIT-Systems-and-Development/unicorn-binance-local-depth-cache/blob/master/LICENSE - Conversion to a C++ compiled Cython package with precompiled as well as PyPy and source code wheels. - Setup of a "Trusted Publisher" deployment chain. The source code is transparently packaged into wheels directly from the GitHub repository by a GitHub action for all possible platforms and published directly as a new release on GitHub and PyPi. A second process from Conda-Forge then uploads it to Anaconda. Thus, the entire deployment process is transparent and the user can be sure that the compilation of a version fully corresponds to the source code. - `manager.stop_manager()` alias for `manager.stop_manager_with_all_caches()` - Support for `with`-context. ## 0.7.3 ### Fixed - TypeError exception in `_init_depth_cache` [issue#27](https://github.com/LUCIT-Systems-and-Development/unicorn-binance-local-depth-cache/issues/27 ## 0.7.2 Codebase equal to 0.7.0, testing azure pipe ## 0.7.1 Codebase equal to 0.7.0, just preparing conda-forge packaging ## 0.7.0 ### Added - Active `high_performance` of UBWA. - Exception handling for REST calls - Improved logging ### Changed - Websocket reconnect intervals - Reduced calls of `market.lower()` ### Removed - Obsolete variable `self.timeout` ## 0.6.0 ### Added - `default_websocket_close_timeout`, `default_websocket_ping_interval`, `default_websocket_ping_timeout` and `websocket_close_timeout`, `websocket_close_timeout`, `websocket_ping_interval` ### Changed - `default_websocket_close_timeout`, `default_websocket_ping_interval`, `default_websocket_ping_timeout` default values is 1, so websockets disconnect very fast, and we recognize "out of sync" very fast. ## 0.5.3 ### Changed - Balanced log levels ### Fixed - KeyError in `stop_depth_cache()` ## 0.5.2 ### Changed - close_timeout=5 in `create_stream()` ### Fixed - `_init_depth_cache()` returns False if `order_book` is False ## 0.5.1 ### Fixed - Wrong proof of `is_stop_request()` ## 0.5.0 ### Added - `_reset_depth_cache()` - `_get_order_book_from_depth_cache()` - `is_stop_request()` ### Changed - Clear stream_buffer on disconnect - Better error handling in `_init_depth_cache()` ### Fixed - `stop_depth_cache()` did not stop its dependent stream and did not clear the stream_buffer - A few error handling's ## 0.4.1 ### Added - Resetting asks and bits on stream_signal DISCONNECT ### Fixing - `requests.exceptions.ConnectionError` exception while fetching the order_book ## 0.4.0 ### Added - `default_update_interval` ### Changes - a few small :) ## 0.3.0 ### Added - threading.Lock(): `self.threading_lock_ask` and `self.threading_lock_bid` ### Added - `set_refresh_request()` ## 0.2.0 ### Added - Binance Futures support (exchange="binance.com-futures") ### Changed - `create_depth_cache()` renamed parameter `market` to `markets`. `markets` can be a str or a list of one or more market symbols - `stop_depth_cache()` renamed parameter `market` to `markets`. `markets` can be a str or a list of one or more market symbols - Renamed `stop_manager()` to `stop_manager_with_all_caches()` ### Removed - `create_depth_caches()` - `stop_depth_caches()` ## 0.1.0 Initial Release!